European patents
If your company is going to introduce an innovative product to the market you might request for a European patent. A patent is a protection for an invention. Owning a patent gives the enterprise the right to stop the competitors from marketing, selling, importing or using your innovation or the same product without your permission. As a result, the right to stop the other companies makes your company a sole supplier of the product and gives the possibility to sell it at a higher price. The patent is given for a limited period of time but even if achieving the patent demands a long proceeding and much effort is definitely worth it regarding future income.
European law gives the possibility to apply for a patent in each of the EU countries or for a European patent which is respected in the whole European Union. In a country for which a European patent is issued, the owner shall have the same protection as a national patent. In an European state or in all the Member Countries, you may apply for protection. The European Patent Office can submit an application in English for the European patent. However, it appears like the application for a large number of entrepreneurs is complex and time consuming, and a collection of documentation will be included. enterpriseeu provides professional advice and assistance to effectively fulfill the procedure. Our team partners – qualified lawyers and consultants have practice and competence regarding European approvals and patents. We trustworthily and professionally represent your business.